This's Miyazaki Yuka
What alsoーーーーっ
What alsoーーーーーーっ
This is good news. ♡
『The 55th! Japan Record Award』
Juice = Juice inaward
Had you choose!
Major debut single
2 Oricon weekly chart
How can that be when I received
Really Really Juice = Juice family
thanks you! ! ! !
As the Best Newcomer award
Furthermore from now on!
To challenge the various things
We would like to work hard. ♩
And and. Photo of the glasses,
like was fine
It was good relief (*>ω<*)っ。♡
What is your usual face befor make-up
Because it is the face you are looking at
Is it a picture of this face is good
Been determined
Also photos up eyes that open your eyes
But I tried to take or
I chose to photograph a closed
Full Comments
I was happy. ♡
Thank you (つω・`。)
And and and.
Today, of Saitama Prefecture
At Moraju iris!
Celebrate the release of the 2nd single
The handshake meeting as an event
that I was allowed too
A photo of yourself before start
was me coming in once you're taking ♡
There is other Tomo
Because were not in place
The Innovation and low tomorrow (*>ω<*)
By the way, a mini live tomorrow
Because I perform
By all means if you are your time
I want you to come. ♩
Dates: November 23, 2013 (Sat)
At the Court of handshake meeting venue / content 1F waterfall <event ④: Juice = Juice mini live and handshake meeting> held
Opening hours / 19:30 to event start / 19:10 start accepting admission timePlease click here for more information
Well (・ω・)ノSee you ♡