22 November 2013

Award Miyazaki Yuka

Good eveningヾ(*´•o•`*)ノ
This's Miyazaki Yuka

What alsoーーーーっ
What alsoーーーーーーっ
This is good news.

The 55th! Japan Record Award』 
Juice = Juice inaward 
Had you choose! 

Major debut single
2 Oricon weekly chart
How can that be when I received

Really Really Juice = Juice family
thanks you! ! ! !

As the Best Newcomer award
Furthermore from now on!
To challenge the various things
We would like to work hard.

And and. Photo of the glasses, 
like was fine
It was good relief

What is your usual face befor make-up
Because it is the face you are looking at
Is it a picture of this face is good

Been determined
Also photos up eyes that open your eyes

But I tried to take or 

I chose to photograph a closed

Full Comments
I was happy.
Thank you

And and and.
Today, of Saitama Prefecture
At Moraju iris!

Celebrate the release of the 2nd single
The handshake meeting as an event 

that I was allowed too

A photo of yourself before start
was me coming in once you're taking


There is other Tomo
Because were not in place
The Innovation and low tomorrow

By the way, a mini live tomorrow
Because I perform
By all means if you are your time
I want you to come.
Dates: November 23, 2013 (Sat)
At the Court of handshake meeting venue / content 1F waterfall <event ④: Juice = Juice mini live and handshake meeting> held
Opening hours / 19:30 to event start / 19:10 start accepting admission time

Please click here for more information

Well (・ω・)ノSee you ♡

Credit:  http://ameblo.jp/juicejuice-official/entry-11710300495.html