22 November 2013

Efforts will be rewarded surely Uemura Akari

Juice=Juice, Uemura Akari!!!!

There is a significant announcement to everyone.

You may know come, but this year
Newcomer of Japan Record Award


That  Juice = Juice is allowed to award was decided (; ∀ ;) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Scheduled to be broadcast on Monday, December 30

TBS 『The 55th! Japan Record AwardI will appear on.. .: *

And I 'll and that to whom this award newcomer "Best" on the day that you will also so to determine, doing the best of things that can be their own towards the end of the year, I would like to live all the way to not forget the basics trout (((o (* ° ° *) o)))

Thank you friend for Congratulations also (* 'ω `*)

And ... (* ^ ω ^ *)

Do not forget!

December 30 is the birthday of Uemura Akari! ! !

Chance anything! !

On the day when I was born, I have found that I had the best award! If you think, you will feel strange.

And to become a 15-year-old of my birthday and there is only once in life, can not get only once in life, no, might not available, it was possible to the Newcomer of the Year Record Award is to me to cheer this year and everyone was, it is thanks to staff's, family, people of various.

I am grateful (* '`*)

And, it was purchased at the shop of merry jenny when you've been shopping had to say on the blog yesterday photos of today


It was said to me over and put your clothes from before, I think you want to put! !

After, were asked in the blog yesterday, shopping is one school? More than one school? The question,
Answered that one faction in many cases, it was a rare answer,Aarii want to go! Did!

 It can you think so is happiness

Nohohon (o ^ ^ o)
(o ^ ^ o)

 So, good night!

All, it was Uemura Akari!

Credit: http://ameblo.jp/juicejuice-official/entry-11710305478.html